Thursday, June 23, 2011

5-29-11 Back to America/Chicago fun

I finally got to sleep around 2am, and we had to leave by 3:30. I was tired. It seemed to take forever getting our luggage checked in. The lines just weren’t moving! When we got to our gait I sat down, and in my tired state left my Vietnamese hat. I later tried to get it, by asking a flight attendant if someone could go out and find it… but the flight attendants checked for me and said they didn't see it... Alas! (however, after a quick e-mail to my professor who was still in Vietnam, she brought me a hat back with her)

I didn’t sleep at all on the first flight. Instead I crocheted, and watched Psych, and this interesting video on how silk is made. We then landed in Hong Kong. We ate at McDonald's and it was AMAZING! I only eat at McDonald's once every 2 years… it is my own personal ban on them after I saw the movie “Super Size Me.” It was completely worth it this time. I was happy that they had the fish sandwich on their breakfast menu, because that was all I was craving. I was able to eat it with ease.

Back on the plane again, and this time it would be for 16 hours. I was finishing up my dragon. There was a Chinese boy sitting near me, and when he saw the dragon he complemented me on it, and asked if I had learned how to do it in China. I told him that my mom had taught me. He was impressed that I had made it within the course of my trip, and amazed that Americans can make things like this too. He talked about how his mom makes different kinds of things as well (I forget what he said she made). He didn't know that Americans did anything creative.

I maybe slept for 5 hours all together during the course of this flight. I had a sudden urge to crochet R2D2… so in my excitement I didn’t sleep.

Our flight was sent to Minneapolis to fuel up, as Chicago was having poor weather. Then We were flown to Chicago. The landing went alright… but they cancelled our flight to Fargo until the next morning. After much fretting, we decided to make the most of our day in Chicago. Jennifer, Brent, and I were the only ones stuck in Chicago, but we got hotel rooms, and ate at the restaurant “the Blue Line” after taking a ride on “The Blue Line” which is a sort of passenger train. The food was amazing, but I couldn’t eat too much, as I was use to the overly healthy food in Vietnam. The cheesy and thick food placed before me was too much to digest.

When we got back we slept… this time for around five hours. Boy could I tell the difference. It was so much better than the night before where I only slept for 1 hr. Never only get 1 hour of sleep! It feels dreadful!!!

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